Break Bulk Cargo

Break Bulk Cargo Services

At Kiev Shipping Ltd, we specialize in the handling of break bulk cargo, offering dedicated transportation services for items that are too large or heavy for standard shipping containers. Our customized services are designed for a variety of industries, ensuring that your oversized or non-containerized cargo is transported safely and efficiently.

Our Services

Handling break bulk cargo requires meticulous attention, thorough coordination, and specialized expertise. We oversee every stage of the transport process, from loading to unloading, securing, and delivery. Our knowledge in managing general cargo guarantees that even the most difficult shipments arrive safely.


We employ the GENCON 94 charter party for all our general cargo shipments. This widely accepted contract serves as the standard form for international general cargo transportation. It specifies the terms and conditions agreed upon by shipowners and charterers, ensuring transparency and efficiency in our operations. This agreement further affirms our dedication to providing safe and dependable transport services for break bulk cargo.

Why Choose Kiev Shipping Ltd for Break Bulk?

By selecting us, you choose a service that merges years of experience with a comprehensive understanding of the challenges related to break bulk cargo. Here’s what sets us apart:

  • Specialized Expertise: We possess the skills and experience necessary to handle various forms of break bulk cargo, including industrial machinery, large vehicles, and construction supplies.
  • Global Network: Our operations extend across key global routes and ports, allowing us to provide flexible and effective shipping solutions.
  • Customized Solutions: We personalize our services to align with the unique needs of your cargo, ensuring that each shipment is managed with the highest level of care and accuracy.

Contact Us

For more information about our break bulk cargo services or to discuss your shipping requirements, please visit our Chartering Enquiry form on our website. We are available to assist you with any questions or needs you may have regarding your break bulk cargo shipments.

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