Break Bulk Cargo

Break Bulk Cargo Services

At Kiev Shipping Ltd, we are experts in handling break bulk cargo, providing specialized transportation services for items that are too large or heavy to fit into standard shipping containers. Our tailored services cater to a wide range of industries, ensuring that your oversized or non-containerized cargo is transported securely and efficiently.

Our Services

Break bulk cargo requires careful handling, detailed coordination, and specialized knowledge. We manage every aspect of the transport process, from loading to unloading, securing, and delivery. Our expertise in handling general cargo ensures that even the most challenging shipments are delivered safely.


We utilize the GENCON 94 charter party for all our general cargo transportations. This widely recognized contract is the standard form for the international shipment of general cargo. It outlines the terms and conditions agreed upon by shipowners and charterers, ensuring clarity and efficiency in our operations. This agreement supports our commitment to providing secure and reliable transport services for break bulk cargo.

Why Choose Kiev Shipping Ltd for Break Bulk?

Choosing us means opting for a service that combines decades of experience with a deep understanding of the complexities associated with break bulk cargo. Here's why we stand out:

  • Specialized Expertise: We have the skills and experience to handle various types of break bulk cargo, from industrial equipment to large vehicles and construction materials.
  • Global Network: Our operations span across major global routes and ports, enabling us to offer flexible and efficient shipping solutions.
  • Customized Solutions: We tailor our services to meet the specific requirements of your cargo, ensuring that each shipment is handled with the utmost care and precision.

Contact Us

To learn more about our break bulk cargo services or to discuss your shipping needs, please visit our Chartering Enquiry form on our website. We are here to assist you with any questions or requirements you might have regarding your break bulk cargo shipments.

Ready to ship your cargo? Fill out our quick form to receive your personalized quote!